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Paylaşım Ahır Skript

Yeni bir Steve doğdu!
11 Ağustos 2022
Tepki puanı
Arkadaşlar herkese öncelikle merhabalar.
Skriptin sahibi ve yazan kişi benim.
Skriptimizle alakalı bilgi vermek gerekirse;
/Ahır yazarak ahır menüsüne erişim sağlayabilir ve ahır alımı yapabilirsiniz.
Ahır sisteminde At ve İnek alımı yapabilirsiniz.
Ahırınız her 15 dakikada bir size at ve inek sayınıza bağlı olarak at eti ve inek sütü verir ve bunları satarak para kazanabilirsiniz.​
Kodları açık olarak paylaşacağım.Faydalanacak arkadaşların Almadan önce Rekkles #1556 adlı discord hesabına bilgi vermesi önemle rica olunur.
Ayrıca Ahır sistemine ekstradan Bir hayvan daha ekleyeceğim yakın zamanda.Takipte kalınız.
    {ahir.%player%} = false
    {at.%player%} = 0
    {inek.%player%} = 0
command /Ahır [<text>]:
        if arg-1 is not set:
            if {ahir.%player%} is false:
                wait 3 tick
                open chest with 1 row named "&6Ahır &8» &aSatin Al" to player
                format slot 4 of player with book named "&6Sanal Ahır" with lore "&aSatin Almak Icin Tikla &cFiyat: &a1 T ye ityahcın var" to close then run [execute player command "/Ahır satinal"]
            if {ahir.%player%} is true:
                wait 3 tick
                open chest with 3 row named "&6Ahır &8» &aAna Menu" to player
                format slot 10 of player with 383 named "&6Hayvan Alma Menusu" with lore "&aBuradan Ahırına Hayvan Satin Alabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/Ahır hayvanal"]
                format slot 13 of player with book named "&6Ahır Bilgileri" with lore "&aBuradan Ahır Bilgilerine Bakabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/Ahır bilgi"]
                format slot 16 of player with milk bucket named "&6Satma Menusu" with lore "&aBuradan İnek Sütü Ve At Etilarini Satabilirsin" to close then run [execute player command "/Ahır sat"]
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-1 is "satinal":
                if {ahir.%player%} is false:
                    if player's balance is greater than 999999999:
                        remove 5000000000 from player's balance
                        set {ahir.%player%} to true
                        send "&6Sanal Ahır &8» &aAhır Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Ahır &8» &aSatin Almak Icin Yeterli Paraniz Bulunmamakta !" to player
            if arg-1 is "hayvanal":
                if {ahir.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Ahır &8» &aHayvan Alma" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "Ahır"]
                    format slot 2 of player with 383:100 named "&6at" with lore "&aFiyat: &c10T &aSaatlik Uretim: &c20M" to run [execute player command "Ahır atal"]
                    format slot 6 of player with 383:92 named "&6Inek" with lore "&aFiyat: &c120T  &aSaatlik Uretim: &c250M" to run [execute player command "Ahır inekal"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "Ahır"]
            if arg-1 is "atal":
                if {ahir.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 999999999:
                        if {at.%player%} is smaller than 10000:
                            remove 10000000000 from player's balance
                            add 1 to {at.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Ahır &8» &aAt Başarıyla Alinmistir !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Ahır &8» &aParani Kontrol Eder misin !" to player       
            if arg-1 is "inekal":
                if {ahir.%player%} is true:
                    if player's balance is greater than 249999999999:
                        if {inek.%player%} is smaller than 10000:
                            remove 120000000000 from player's balance
                            add 1 to {inek.%player%}
                            send "&6Sanal Ahır &8» &aInek Başarıyla Alindi !" to player
                        send "&6Sanal Ahır &8» &aParani Kontrol Eder misin !" to player
            if arg-1 is "bilgi":
                if {ahir.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Ahır &8» &aAhır Bilgi" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with 383:100 named "&6at" with lore "&a%{at.%player%}% Adet" to close
                    format slot 1 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "Ahır"]
                    format slot 4 of player with 383:92 named "&6Inek" with lore "&a%{inek.%player%}% Adet" to close
                    format slot 5 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "Ahır"]   
                    format slot 6 of player with raw mutton named "&6At Eti" with lore "&a%{At Eti.%player%}% Adet" to close
                    format slot 7 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "Ahır"]
                    format slot 8 of player with milk bucket named "&6Süt" with lore "&a%{İnek Sütü.%player%}% Litre" to close
            if arg-1 is "sat":
                if {ahir.%player%} is true:
                    wait 3 tick
                    open chest with 1 row named "&6Ahır &8» &aSatma Menusu" to player
                    format slot 0 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "Ahır"]
                    format slot 2 of player with raw mutton named "&6At Eti" with lore "&a%{At Eti.%player%}% Adet" to run [execute player command "Ahır At Etisat"]
                    format slot 4 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "Ahır"]
                    format slot 6 of player with milk bucket named "&6Süt" with lore "&a%{İnek Sütü.%player%}% Litre" to run [execute player command "Ahır İnek Sütüsat"]
                    format slot 8 of player with red glass named "&6Ana Menu" with lore "&aAna Menuye Donmek Icin Tikla" to close then run [execute player command "Ahır"]
            if arg-1 is "At Etisat":
                if {ahir.%player%} is true:
                    if {At Eti.%player%} is greater than 0:
                        add {At Eti.%player%} to player's balance
                        send "&6Sanal Ahır &8» &c%{At Eti.%player%}% &aAdet At Eti &c%{At Eti.%player%}% &aTL Karsiliginda Satildi !" to player
                        set {At Eti.%player%} to 0
                        send "&6Sanal Ahır &8» &aBoşluğu mu Satacaksın  !" to player
            if arg-1 is "İnek Sütüsat":
                if {ahir.%player%} is true:
                    if {İnek Sütü.%player%} is greater than 0:
                        add {İnek Sütü.%player%} to player's balance
                        send "&6Sanal Ahır &8» &c%{İnek Sütü.%player%}% &aLitre Süt &c%{İnek Sütü.%player%}% &aTL Karsiliginda Satildi !" to player
                        set {İnek Sütü.%player%} to 0
                        send "&6Sanal Ahır &8» &aBoşluğu mu Satacaksın  !" to player
every 15 minutes:
    loop all players:
        if {at.%loop-player%} is greater than 0:
            set {_itemcountt} to {at.%loop-player%}
            add 75000000 * {_itemcountt} to {At Eti.%loop-player%}
every 15 minutes:
    loop all players:
        if {inek.%loop-player%} is greater than 0:
            set {_itemcountt} to {inek.%loop-player%}
            add 62500000 * {_itemcountt} to {İnek Sütü.%loop-player%}
Yeni bir Steve doğdu!
21 Haziran 2023
Tepki puanı
ellerine sağlık hocam
